Sacyr Concesiones
Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our contribution to the fulfilment of United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). When we started working on the Al Mar 1 Highway in Colombia, a natural homeland to various endangered epiphyte plants, we saw it as an opportunity to work directly towards the achievement of the SDG #15. For this project we made sure to adopt measures that significantly reduced the impact on the natural habitats that surround it, protecting biological diversity and threatened species.
But what exactly are epiphyte plants? Also known as “air plants”, epiphytes grow on top of other plants using them only as support, and unlike parasites, they do not necessarily affect the host negatively. What is most interesting about these plants lies in their ability to serve as food, shelter and protection to a large variety of animals, basically, these plants help preserve the biodiversity that surrounds them.
When we were awarded with this project, we seen an opportunity to preserve local community natural resources, relocating various epiphyte plants, like orchids and bromeliads, in the surrounding area. So far, we have rescued more than 570 specimens, replanting them into areas with similar characteristics to secure their successful settlement and survival.
The Al Mar 1 Highway is just an example of how Sacyr is truly committed to the preservation and care of the environment.
Replanted into areas with similar characteristics to secure their successful settlement and survival