Value for Society

Circular economy supporters

Optimization of operating expenses, reduction of carbon footprint and sustainability

Sacyr Concesiones

It may sound like a cliché, but we truly believe we are doing our best in order to make the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda a reality and build a more sustainable planet. In fact, we are enjoying every minute we spend working on initiatives that let us build infrastructures in a more sustainable way, by using clean and renewable energy.

These are some of our projects committed to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals:

Tunnels that care for people and the planet

Sacyr developed its own lighting system to help keep drivers safe, all while reducing energy consumption at the same time. The lighting system implemented in the tunnels at the AP-46 highway in Málaga-Las Pedrizas, is a new and innovative lighting solution, known as IOHNIC.

Sacyr Mobile Hidroclean

Cleaning and retexturizing the road pavement, in both urban and interurban locations, requires close to 10.000 liters of water for each kilometer treated per lane—and that’s a lot of water. We knew we needed to come up with a solution to this problem, that’s why we’ve been developing a platform that can be towed that’s capable of continuously purifying the residual water generated in these kinds of operations. This new technique will help us take advantage of this resource and use it in up to eight cycles, saving up to 200,000 liters of water per day while improving the performance of these types of operations by eliminating downtime. We’re expecting to have this new system up and running sometime in 2021. Excellent! Isn’t it?

Implementing low heat geothermal energy at transport hubs

A great example of how innovation is one of our priorities is the geothermal energy exchange model we are currently developing. This model will provide energy savings between 70% and 80% of the total energy consumed by air conditioning systems. This innovative solution will not only represent significant savings, but also a considerable reduction in the carbon footprint derived from air-conditioning this type of facility. The model is currently in its detail design phase and is expected to be implemented in the two transportations hubs we operate in Madrid over the course of 2022.

Helping reduce energy dependence at hospitals with solar energy

Hospitals are infrastructures that demand energy 24/7 to be adequately acclimatized, and when temperatures rise, so does the demand for energy. Due to the longer duration of the days in summer, as well as a greater amount of sun rays, we want to promote the harnessing of solar energy using photovoltaic panels to help reduce both energy consumption and the carbon footprint. In addition, evacuated tube panels will be installed to generate potable hot water as well as help with the heating of the hospital in the winter months. This project is currently in its detail design phase and is expected to be implemented in our hospitals over the course of 2021.



Provided by the geothermal energy exchange model we are currently developing